Birmingham Multi-Care
Contact details
Birmingham Multi-Care
Pinewood, Bell Heath Way. Woodgate Business Park
B32 3BZ
Public phone: 0121 4728220 / 0121 442 2944
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Care services for people with multiple disabilities, providing respite for parents and carers. Core service is domiciliary care. Also provide residential respite care and recreational services.
Target group: People with learning disabilities and additional disabilities, their carers.
Area served: Birmingham.
How to contact: Phone (0121 4728220 / 0121 442 2944) or email.
Monday: 9am - 4pm
Tuesday: 9am - 4pm
Wednesday: 9am - 4pm
Thursday: 9am - 4pm
Friday: 9am - 4pm
Weekends: On Call Service
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - full
Accessible toilets: Yes
Access notes: Car park at front of building. Ground floor premises.
Other information
Languages other than English: Access to interpreters.
Charity number: 702019
Year established: 1980
Staffing: 25 full time, 90 part time staff.
Public transport: Buses 23
Record last checked: 06 February 2025