Wokingham SENDIASS
Contact details
Wokingham SENDIASS
Wokingham Youth Centre, 35 Reading Road
RG41 1EG
Public phone: 0118 908 8233
Email: Sendiass@wokingham.gov.uk
Website URL: http://www.sendiasswokingham.org.uk/
General information
Service offered: The Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) is a statutory service which is run at ‘arm’s length’ from the Special Educational Needs decision makers and aims to provide free, confidential, impartial advice, guidance and support to children and young people and the parents of children and young people with special educational needs up to the age of 25. It aims to promote good working relationships between parents, education settings and the LA, whilst seeking to empower parents to play an active and informed role in their child’s education.
Target group: Young people, parents and carers of children with special education needs and/or disabilities (age 0-25)
Area served: Wokingham
How to contact: Phone (0118 908 8233) / Email
Monday: 9.00am - 5.00pm (Term Time Only)
Tuesday: 9.00am - 5.00pm (Term Time Only)
Wednesday: 9.00am - 5.00pm (Term Time Only)
Thursday: 9.00am - 5.00pm (Term Time Only)
Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm (Term Time Only)
Office Hours:
Wheelchair access: Yes - full
Accessible toilets: Yes
Access notes: 2 disabled parking spaces. Some parking available on site for other users. Level access to the building
Other information
Languages other than English:
Charity number:
Year established: 0
Staffing: (Information advice and support service)
Public transport:
Record last checked: 20 January 2025