One Place East

Contact details

One Place East
2nd Floor, Ilford Chambers, 11 Chapel Road

Public phone: 020 8925 2435


Website URL:

General information

Service offered: Befriending Scheme: Offers social and emotional support to somebody who has become isolated through mental ill health. Redbridge Dementia Befriending Service: Aims to improve the quality of life of people with dementia both in the community and those in long term care settings. Hate Crime and Referral Centre: We offer a safe, confidential environment for disabled people who have experienced crime, harassment or abuse because of their: race; religion; sexuality; disability; age; gender identity or mental health condition. Autism Alert Card: The card will alert the Police, NHS, other emergency services and front line service providers, that the person carrying the card has a condition that may require special attention. RUN-UP: A mental health user group whose principal aim is to fight for the rights for everyone affected by mental health conditions. In particular, to ensure that the voices of people with mental health issues are heard; to campaign in order to improve and develop local mental health services; to ensure mental health service users are involved in the planning, development, management and monitoring of services. One to One Advocacy: Independent and confidential one to one advocacy helps ensure people’s voices are heard and their rights are upheld. Service User Engagement: We provide bespoke group advocacy packages including consultations,focus groups and facilitation of service user meetings. Training Stars: We offer Learning Disability Awareness for staff working in local services, and staff and pupils in schools. We also offer advice and guidance on how to make information accessible for people with a learning disability.

Target group: Disabled people, people with lived experience of mental health problems, long term conditions and people with a learning disability and Autism.

Area served: Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Havering and Barking & Dagenham

How to contact: Drop In (020 8925 2435), phone or email.


Monday: 9am to 4pm

Tuesday: 9am to 4pm

Wednesday: 9am to 4pm

Thursday: 9am to 4pm

Friday: 9am to 4pm


Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm


Wheelchair access: -

Accessible toilets: -

Access notes: 

Other information

Languages other than English: Limited access to interpreters.

Charity number: 1065770

Year established: 1994

Staffing: 2 full time staff, 18 part time/sessional staff + 45 volunteers.

Public transport: Ilford train station.

Record last checked: 14 January 2025


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