Age UK - Bromsgrove, Redditch & Wyre Forest
Contact details
Age UK - Bromsgrove, Redditch & Wyre Forest
51 Windsor Street
B60 2BJ
Public phone: 01527 570490
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Advice and information on benefits and pensions, social care, support for carers, local services and staying safe, warm and independent at home. ‘At Home’ services including housework, shopping and gardening. Services and activities aimed at promoting independence and helping to reduce loneliness and isolation including Befriending and a variety of Clubs and Social Groups (including Amphlett Hall Computer Club, Bromsgrove Men in Sheds, Exercise and Art Classes in Bromsgrove and Redditch and the Tulip Tree Friendship Group in Kidderminster).
Target group: Older people aged 50+, their carers and families
Area served: Bromsgrove, Redditch and Wyre Forest Districts.
How to contact: Phone (01527 570490), contact for an appointment or email Open Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
Monday: 9am-4pm
Tuesday: 9am-4pm
Wednesday: 9am-4pm (but closed for drop ins)
Thursday: 9am-4pm
Friday: 9am-4pm
Weekends: Closed
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
Wheelchair access: Yes - limited
Accessible toilets: Yes
Access notes: Parking nearby. Access restricted to ground floor only. Home visits available for people unable to attend the office.
Other information
Languages other than English:
Charity number: 1165891
Year established: 2016
Staffing: 50+ part time staff 100 + volunteers.
Public transport: Bus terminus - 100 metres.
Record last checked: 29 August 2024