Victim Supportline
Contact details
Victim Supportline
Public phone: 0808 16 89 111
Website URL:
General information
Service offered: Helpline for anyone affected by crime. Provide support and offer information, regardless of whether a crime has been reported. Can put people in touch with local Victim Support services and other agencies as necessary.
Target group: Anyone affected by crime.
Area served: UK.
How to contact: Phone (0808 16 89 111)/Email/Live Chat. Open 24/7, 365 days a year.
Monday: 24/7 phone
Tuesday: 24/7 phone
Wednesday: 24/7 phone
Thursday: 24/7 phone
Friday: 24/7 phone
Weekends: 24/7 phone
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Wheelchair access: Not applicable
Accessible toilets: Not applicable
Access notes:
Other information
Languages other than English: Language Line.
Charity number: 298028
Year established: 1974
Staffing: Not applicable
Public transport:
Record last checked: 30 July 2024