The list below is displaying Dudley Advisers. There are 39 results, this is page 1 of 4.

Dudley Rent Deposit Scheme

Deposit bond guarantee for people looking to rent in the private sector in Dudley Borough who are unable to meet the landlords requirement for a cash deposit.

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What? Centre

Advice and information for young people aged 13-25 on housing, employment, education and training, benefits, consumer rights and health. Counselling service on issues including abuse, eating disorders, relationships, self harm and bereavement. Provide leaflets on a range of subjects and services.

LIFE Centre Debt Advice

Local Community service providing money/debt advice

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Brook in Birmingham

Advice, counselling and contraception. Pregnancy testing, condoms, emergency contraception and other contraceptive supplies for young people under 25. Chlamydia screening.

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Black Country Women’s Aid

Information, practical and emotional support for women and their children have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse, rape or sexual assault. 24 hour helpline, and outreach services.

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Dudley County Court and Family Court

This Courts/Tribunals service handles cases around: Bankruptcy, Childcare arrangements if you separate from your partner, Divorce hearings, Domestic abuse, High Court cases – serious or high profile criminal or civil law cases, Housing, Money claims

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Stop Hate UK

Information, advice and support on anything related to Hate Crime or Hate Crime incidents, including reporting of Hate incidents, and referring the incidents (following the caller’s consent) to the Police and or local support agencies. Encouraging people to report crimes that the victim or any other person perceives to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards any aspect of a person’s identity. Police forces in England, Wales and Northern Ireland annually monitor five strands of Hate Crime: Disability, Gender Identity, Race, Ethnicity or Nationality, Religion, Faith or Belief and Sexual Orientation. We support people affected by any form of Hate Crime. Report on 0800 138 1625 or the below alternative options: Web Chat via: (you can chat live to one of our operators. Please note that it may take a few minutes to connect to an operator). In a text: 07717 989 025 (texts are charged at your standard network rate). In an email: With text relay: 18001 0800 138 1625 (for people who are deaf, or have speech or hearing impairments). In an online form via: Report any type of Hate Crime throughout West Yorkshire via our Hate Crime Reporting App

Jobcentre Plus - Stourbridge

Combined jobsearch and benefits service for people of working age. Personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities and benefits claims. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.

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Age Concern - Stourbridge & Halesowen

Advice and information for older people (55+), their families and carers. Subjects covered include Older People Travel Passes, housing and welfare benefits, social care issues, general advice and information on causes of concern to those over 55s. Assistance with form filling and complaints. Signposting service if we are unable to assist. Activities – Short Mat Bowls, Yoga, Keep fit, Body Combat, Pilates, Sewing Classes. Hall and rooms for Hire.

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Samaritans - Brierley Hill

Telephone helpline operating 24 hours a day offering emotional support for anyone in crisis. Offers a listening and befriending service to people who are isolated, feel in despair or who are suicidal. The national Samaritans number (116 123) puts callers through without delay to their nearest unengaged branch. Emergency email address:

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