The list below is displaying Cambridgeshire Advisers. There are 89 results, this is page 1 of 9.
Break’s core business is the provision of children’s homes for Looked After Children in their home Local Authority. Break has six mainstream children’s homes in Norfolk and Cambridgeshire and a Therapeutic Fostering Service offering single placements to young people who will have experienced significant trauma. Young people leaving Break’s care continue to be supported by our in-house Staying Connected Team. In addition to the mainstream homes, Break has two children’s home for young people with profound learning and physical disabilities and a short-break scheme for children with disabilities. Break also provides a range of assessment and support services to children at risk through a Residential Family Centre in Lowestoft and a range of community-based services, including assessment work, across East Anglia.
- -- Advice
- -- Advocacy
- -- Befriending
- -- Helpline
- -- Child care
- -- Disability
- -- Learning disability
- -- Relationship difficulties
- -- Cambridgeshire
- -- Norfolk
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Self-help organisation run by and for users and ex-users of mental health services. Groups, activities, support. Lifeline freephone helpline on 0808 808 2121 11am-11pm 365 days a year.
- -- Advice
- -- Day centre
- -- Helpline
- -- Self help
- -- Mental health issues
- -- Cambridgeshire
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Breakeven (Cambridge)
At Breakeven we support anyone affected by Problem gambling whether you are the gambler, partner, family member, friend or work colleague. For every problem gambler, stats show that there are approximately 10 affected others that are willing to support the gambler and we are here to support you all. The treatment we provide is free, flexible and confidential and can be delivered via face to face, telephone or online sessions.
- -- Advice
- -- Gambling
- -- Cambridgeshire
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Cambridge and District Citizens Advice
Advice and information on a range of issues, including housing, welfare rights and benefits, money and debt, consumer and employment rights. Specialist help in debt, welfare benefits and housing.
- -- Advice
- -- Citizens Advice
- -- Benefits
- -- Consumer issues
- -- Debt
- -- Employment
- -- Housing rights
- -- Immigration and nationality
- -- Legal issues
- -- Cambridgeshire
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HM Probation Service - Cambridge Probation Office
Provides Probation Support Services
- -- Practical help
- -- Probation
- -- Local services
- -- Cambridgeshire
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Cambridge and District Community Mediation Service
Mediation service for people who are involved in a neighbour or workplace dispute or other disputes within the community including young people in dispute with parents and in danger of being made homeless. The service is provided by trained volunteers who visit the parties separately in their own homes, arrange mediation at a neutral venue and help to negotiate a written agreement.
- -- Mediation
- -- Cambridgeshire
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Dyslexia Action - Peterborough
Advice on issues relating to dyslexia. Consultations, educational psychologist assessments, specialist teaching for all ages and talks and courses for parents and teachers. Charges made for assessments arranged with independent educational psychologists. Tuition and courses.
- -- Advice
- -- Education and training
- -- Learning disability
- -- Cambridgeshire
- -- Norfolk
- -- Peterborough
- -- Leicester
- -- Leicestershire
- -- Lincolnshire
- -- Northamptonshire
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CDA Hearing Help (formerly Cambridgeshire Hearing Help)
Range of information and practical help for people with hearing loss. Services include cleaning and retubing of hearing aids and advice on maintaining hearing aids. Visits to people in their homes as well as to care and residential homes (delete and hospitals). Signposting and advice. Monthly Hearing Aid Maintenance (HAM) Centers throughout Cambridgeshire. To book an appointment at a HAM Centre please use our online booking service at or telephone our office 01223 416141 .
- -- Advice
- -- Disability
- -- Cambridgeshire
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Jobcentre Plus - Newmarket
Combined jobsearch and benefits service for people of working age. Personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities and benefits claims. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.
- -- Jobcentre Plus network
- -- Benefits
- -- Employment
- -- Cambridgeshire
- -- Suffolk
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Centre 33 (Cambridge)
Counselling, support and information for young people. Advice on housing and homelessness, money and debt, benefits, education, training and employment, drugs and alcohol, mental health, sexual health, pregnancy and relationships. Free condoms. Work with young carers. Free pregnancy testing and chlamydia testing. Advocacy for under 25s. Outreach service.
- -- Advice
- -- Advocacy
- -- Counselling
- -- Accommodation
- -- Alcohol
- -- Benefits
- -- Debt
- -- Drugs
- -- Education and training
- -- Employment
- -- Homelessness
- -- Housing rights
- -- Mental health issues
- -- Sexual health
- -- Cambridgeshire
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