The list below is displaying SCOTLAND Advisers. There are 180 results, this is page 1 of 19.
MECOPP Carers Centre
Services for carers from minority ethnic and other marginalized communities who are caring for adults in Edinburgh and the Lothians. Individual and group support. Casework and advocacy, advice and information. Carers' health and wellbeing service. Education and training, service and policy development. Gypsy/Traveller Project which supports Gypsy/Traveller Carers in Edinburgh & the Lothians, Perth & Kinross and Mid & North Argyll.
- -- Advice
- -- Advocacy
- -- Signposting
- -- Benefits
- -- Health
- -- East Lothian
- -- Edinburgh
- -- Midlothian
- -- West Lothian
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Skye and Lochalsh Young Carer Service
Support for young carers aged 5-18. Support groups, one-to-one and peer support. Advocacy. Bereavement support. Respite breaks. Young carers training. Service provider training. Information and advice.
- -- Advice
- -- Advocacy
- -- Practical help
- -- Bereavement
- -- Care
- -- Respite care
- -- Highland
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Children 1st - Midlothian Family Wellbeing Hub
The support is relational, trauma-informed and child-centred. The staff and volunteers will work with you and your family to better understand the challenges you face and what role Children 1st can play to overcome these. The service has peer support and project workers in the team, who can offer one-to-one and whole family support to strengthen relationships. There is also an option for money advice and support, and to attend to financial hardships. The service also offers opportunities for group-based support for parents focussing on positive wellbeing, along with family-based activity sessions for fun.
- -- Advice
- -- Advocacy
- -- Care
- -- Debt
- -- Relationship difficulties
- -- Midlothian
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Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living
Range of independent living support services for disabled people in Glasgow. Information, advice and assistance for people managing their own support arrangements using self directed support. Training for personal assistants and their employers. Housing information, advice and advocacy. Employment and training opportunities for disabled people.
- -- Advice
- -- Advocacy
- -- Accommodation
- -- Care
- -- Disability
- -- Education and training
- -- Housing rights
- -- Glasgow
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The Advocacy Project (Scotland)
Advocacy service for adults with mental health issues, learning disabilities, communication or support needs, physical impairments, older people and problematic alcohol and/or drug use. Facilitate self advocacy groups. Offer training and awareness raising workshops on advocacy to other agencies.
- -- Advice
- -- Advocacy
- -- Mental health issues
- -- East Renfrewshire
- -- Glasgow
- -- South Lanarkshire
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Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland
Providing a lifetime commitment of support and information to all those in Scotland affected by spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus and related conditions. We have support staff working throughout Scotland offering: Home/Hospital visits, support and social groups, workshops, helpline, respite cottage, support with financial and benefit matters and advice for professionals such as teachers/nursery staff.
- -- Advice
- -- Helpline
- -- Self help
- -- Disability
- -- Health
- -- Respite care
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Glasgow Women's Library
Information resource for women. Large collection of books, videos, cuttings, magazines and journals for and about women. Produces publications and runs services including a cuttings service and women's skills, services and business index. Lifelong Learning courses, adult literacy courses. Also houses the lesbian archive and information centre.
- -- Signposting
- -- Education and training
- -- Employment
- -- Glasgow
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Deafblind Scotland
Advice and information for people with a severe combined visual and hearing impairment. Telephone helpline. Trained staff assist deafblind people to achieve independence. Guide communicator service (where funding is available). Various training programmes available.
- -- Advice
- -- Befriending
- -- Helpline
- -- Benefits
- -- Disability
- -- Glasgow
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Turning Point Scotland - Big River Project
Services for people who live in the Scottish Borders whose lives have been affected by drugs or drugs and alcohol. Advice and information, duty access in the Scottish Borders. One-to-one ongoing support. Practical and emotional support. Needle exchange. Complementary therapies. Advocacy. Signposting to other agencies. Access to blood borne virus testing. Employability hub.
- -- Advice
- -- Advocacy
- -- Counselling
- -- Debt
- -- Drugs
- -- Health
- -- Housing rights
- -- Scottish Borders
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Breathing Space
Out of hours helpline offering listening support and advice for people in Scotland who are feeling down, depressed, worried or anxious.
- -- Advice
- -- Helpline
- -- Mental health issues
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