The list below is displaying Health Advisers. There are 2060 results, this is page 1 of 207.

Age UK Sunderland

Front Door Service, Advocacy Service, Community Support Clubs, Keeping in Touch, Dial a Driver, CIT Living Well Links, Hospital Discharge Service, The Essence Service, Social Focus, Information & Advice, Lifestyle Service, Redwood Day Service and Metcalfe Dementia Support Service.

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Age UK Teesside (Head Office)

Advice and information for older people and their carers. social clubs, befriending Service Middlesbrough, Redcar and Stockton Area, Dementia Advisory Service Middlesbrough and Redcar Area, Carers Support service Redcar Area only

Sexual Health Sheffield

Sexual health drop-in service providing free condoms, emergency contraception, advice about contraception, STI testing, advice and counselling about relationships and referrals to pregnancy counselling or termination of pregnancy.

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Sahir House

Sahir House is a versatile charity that provides support for both the LGBTQ+ community and individuals impacted by HIV, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Our organisation predominantly operates across the Liverpool City Region. Sahir House offers a wide range of services, including personalised practical and emotional support, information and signposting, counselling, health-related outreach, peer support, community effortment, and advocacy efforts.

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Age UK - Bath and North East Somerset

Range of services for older people, their families and carers. Advice and information. Home response scheme. Day care centres and lunch clubs. Befriending. Home from Hospital.

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Age UK - North Yorkshire Coast and Moors

Advice and information for older people (50+). Health promotion and advice. Clubs for the over 50s.

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Manchester Action on Street Health (MASH)

A range of services for women sex workers. Advice and support on addictions, sexual health, debts, domestic violence and homelessness. Sexual health Clinic. Needle exchange. Free condoms.

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Terrence Higgins Trust - South

Walk-in Rapid HIV Testing and STI Screening for Gay & Bisexual Men, Male and female sex workers, anyone who identifies as Trans or non-binary, BME & African Communities. Sexual Health & Wellbeing Information. One-to-One Support & Advice. HIV+ Social Care Support Services. HIV+ Support Groups. Counselling for those living with or affected by HIV. HIV+ Advice.

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Oxfordshire Youth

Oxfordshire Youth is a registered charity which recently celebrated reaching 70 years old. Our aim is to improve the life opportunities of young people and advance their citizenship through equipping them to positively develop their communities. To achieve our aim we provide support to 50 voluntary youth clubs from all over Oxfordshire. As a membership organisation we provide training, advocacy, resources and events to our members and we also directly support young people to improve their life opportunities.

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Hospice in Rossendale

Care for patients with a life limiting illness and their carers and families from diagnosis, through to treatment and support until death. Day Therapy, Hospice at Home, counselling, befriending, complementary therapies and transport. Advice and education on palliative care. Bereavement support. Outpatient clinic.

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