The list below is displaying Brent Advisers. There are 81 results, this is page 1 of 9.

Red Sea Community Programme

Advice and support for the Somali community, particularly refugees and asylum seekers. Advice and referrals on education and training. Drop-in and vegetarian and halal lunch club for older people. Leisure activities for young people and educational programmes for children. ESOL classes for women. Domiciliary care services. Outreach services and home visits available.

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The Mulberry Centre

Information and support in a non-clinical environment for anyone affected by cancer. Services include a reference library, advice on welfare rights and benefits, counselling, support groups and a range of complementary therapies. Open Monday-Friday 9.30am-4pm and Wednesday evening until 8pm

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Brent Shrine Cooperative Credit Union

Financial non-profit co-operative offering savings and low cost loan facilities to members.

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Brent Children and Families Information Service

Telephone helpline advice and information on childcare options and early years education provision in Brent for children. Information on financial support available for childcare costs. Information on working and training in childcare. Brent Children and Families Information Service provides information on: Childcare provision in the London Borough of Brent. Free early education entitlements for two, three and four year olds, Family Well- Being Centres, activities for families, children and young people. Local and national services and voluntary organisations which offer information advice support to families with children 0-18 (up to 25 yrs for SEND). Support available to children and young people with special education needs and disabilities. Financial support available to assist with the costs of childcare.

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Multiple Sclerosis Society

The MS Society is the UK’s leading MS charity. We’ve been providing information and support, funding research and fighting for change since 1953. We’re a democratic organisation: one member, one vote.

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Connect Stars

Connect Stars strives to become a leading household organisation in which young people can access safe space, to be creative, active and responsive in their communities. To have strong robust provisions which caters to the ever changing needs of young people. Our young people will be at the heart of our programmes, in creating, delivering and evaluating the impact. We deliver services for young people, adults and families, across sports and recreation, social action and training into employment.

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Citizens Advice Brent

Advice and information on benefits, consumer, housing, debt, immigration and employment rights.

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BIAS (Brent Irish Advisory Service)

Information and advice for Irish people on housing, finding accommodation, welfare benefits, moving to Ireland.

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Brent Mencap

Advocacy, advice and support for adults and children with learning disabilities and for their families and carers. Advice and support on employment, volunteering, health and well-being, and learning. Social and sports activities for young people and adults with learning disabilities. Disability Rights and Advocacy group. Social Prescribing and Link Workers. Health and Well-being Coaches.

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Debt Advice at the Sherriff Centre

We are registered as a charity to provide a range of community based services for the relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. We currently provide a free debt advice service and Free Food Store

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