The list below is displaying Hampshire Advisers. There are 162 results, this is page 1 of 17.

Break-Out Youth Project

Information, advice and support for young people aged 11-25 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or unsure about their sexual or gender identity.

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New Forest Disability Information Service

Advice and information for disabled people, their families and carers, and professionals. Casework in welfare benefits. Information on respite care, local services, transport and mobility, holidays, social groups, equipment and home adaptations. Outreach services in Hythe, Totton, Lymington, New Milton, Ringwood, Fordingbridge and Lymington Hospital. New and lightly used daily living aids and mobility equipment.

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New Forest Citizens Advice (New Milton)

Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, consumer issues, employment and housing rights, legal issues, money and debt.

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Catch22 24/7 Hampshire

24/7 emergency referral and crisis line for young people aged under 25 experiencing problems with drugs and/or alcohol. Advice and information on effects and risks. Assessment. Specialist support for co-occurring mental health problems. Access to education, training and employment advice, to prescribing and needle exchange, alternative therapies, mentoring and aftercare. Additional location: Alexandra House, 3-4 Alexandra Terrace, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU11 3HU

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Aldingbourne Trust

Services for adults with learning disabilities. Residential/day care, supported employment, work skills training & help in seeking paid or voluntary work. Outreach work & craft service. Charges for day/residential care. Disability awareness training for businesses, schools & statutory agencies. Conference facilities, Open Farm, Children's Woodland/Play Area, Cafe, Sand & Water Play Area, Maze, Children’s Play Area & Seasonal Evens.

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Citizens Advice Eastleigh (Hedge End Outreach)

Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, consumer, employment and housing rights, money and debt.

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Solent Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre

Advice, information, support and therapy for people with multiple sclerosis and their carers. Therapies and treatments include hyperbaric oxygen, physiotherapy, reflexology, aromatherapy. Donations towards therapy costs requested.

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Stop Domestic Abuse - Portsmouth

We manage refuges offering support and temporary accommodation to women and children who are escaping domestic abuse. We also offer outreach to women, children and men not staying in the refuge but still in need of advice, support and information.

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Winchester Student Union

Provide help to students on following subjects: Academic Issues / Wellbeing/ Housing / Money Advice

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Basingstoke Citizens Advice

Advice and information on a range of issues, including housing rights, welfare rights and benefits, money and debt, consumer rights and employment rights.

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