The list below is displaying Stoke on Trent Advisers. There are 42 results, this is page 1 of 5.
Glow is a charity on a mission to end relationship abuse, campaigning for change and providing support throughout Staffordshire and its surrounding areas. Through a full-circle approach, Glow seeks to address the issues from every angle, ensuring that no member of the community is vulnerable to an abusive relationship.
- -- Advice
- -- Practical help
- -- Domestic violence
- -- Education and training
- -- Relationship difficulties
- -- Staffordshire
- -- Stoke on Trent
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CRI - Stoke on Trent Community Drug Services
Advice, counselling, support and information on all aspects of drug use for drug users, ex-drug users, their families and friends. Prescribing clinics for opiate users. Relapse prevention. Help for crack cocaine and amphetamine users. Complementary therapies. Needle exchange. Family and friends support, focusing on the needs of carers of drug users.
- -- Advice
- -- Counselling
- -- Drugs
- -- Stoke on Trent
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Aspire Housing
We have a wide range of services available for our residents, including money advice, wellbeing service, repairs and maintenance, employment and skills, and commercial properties.
- -- Advice
- -- Housing Association
- -- Accommodation
- -- Debt
- -- Education and training
- -- Health
- -- Housing rights
- -- Cheshire West and Chester
- -- Cheshire East
- -- Staffordshire
- -- Stoke on Trent
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Citizens Advice Staffordshire North & Stoke-on-Trent (Hanley office)
Advice on a full range of issues plus referral into specialist teams: debt, financial capability, housing eviction, and immigration. Some teams can be contacted directly - see website for details.
- -- Advice
- -- Citizens Advice
- -- Benefits
- -- Consumer issues
- -- Debt
- -- Energy
- -- Housing rights
- -- Immigration and nationality
- -- Legal issues
- -- Staffordshire
- -- Stoke on Trent
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Stoke-on-Trent SENDIASS
We provide free, accurate, impartial, confidential, information, advice and support relating to special educational needs (SEN), disability and related health and social care issues. For: Parents/carers of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) or disabilities. Young people with SEN or disabilities up to the age of 25 years. Young people will receive confidential and impartial, information and support that will allow them to participate fully in decisions about the outcomes they wish to achieve. We can also work separately and impartially with both the parents and the young person, where there is a disagreement on an issue related to SEND We can support by: Offering support when a child or young person with a special educational needs or disabilities need extra help in an educational setting and no Education Health Care Plan is in place. Ensuring Parents/Carers, Young People’s views and concerns about Special Educational Needs are listened to. Supporting parents and young people in expressing their views by: Support in attending meetings, writing letters, contributing to assessments and reviews and participating in decisions about outcomes for a child or young person. Offering access to a Steering Group and a Parent Engagement Group (PEGiS). We offer: A confidential telephone/email advice line. Face to face support. Access to a website. A tailored information package. Support to understand and interpret information relating to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). Guidance through the Education law on SEN and related law on disability, health and social care. Guidance through the SEN processes and procedures. Advice on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities provision available in education settings for children and young people who do not have an Education Health Care Plan in place. Advice and support to help promote independence and self-advocacy. Support to young people to enable them to participate fully in decisions about the outcomes they wish to achieve. Support to request an Education Health Care Plan (EHC Plan) and understanding the process. Access to an Independent Parental Supporter. Support relating to resolving disagreement resolution. Access and support to an Independent Mediation Service. Help in understanding the Tribunal Appeal process. Impartial advice on exclusions of children with SEND. Preparation for Exclusion Appeals. Advice and support when children / young people are out of school. Guidance on Personalisation and managing a Personal Budget. A wide range of information leaflets. Signposting to additional support services both locally and nationally where needed, including those provided by the voluntary sector. Information about parent carer support groups, local disability groups and training events. Access to free information workshops/events on matters relating to SEN and disability. Home visits (in exceptional cases)
- -- Advice
- -- Disability
- -- Learning disability
- -- Stoke on Trent
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Jobcentre Plus - Kidsgrove
Combined jobsearch and benefits service for people of working age. Personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities and benefits claims. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.
- -- Jobcentre Plus network
- -- Benefits
- -- Employment
- -- Staffordshire
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Disability Solutions West Midlands
Information and advice for people with disabilities, their carers, families and friends. Deal with a range of issues, with casework in benefits. Appeals/Tribunals. Demonstrate and display a range of equipment for daily living.
- -- Advice
- -- Benefits
- -- Care
- -- Disability
- -- Transport and mobility
- -- Staffordshire
- -- Stoke on Trent
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Project 93
We support the well-being of those living in Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire who are affected by, or are at risk of sexual ill-health. This will be achieved by raising awareness and providing education, assistance, information, advice and advocacy to support the development of positive sexual health.
- -- Advice
- -- Advocacy
- -- Practical help
- -- Signposting
- -- Health
- -- Sexual health
- -- Staffordshire
- -- Stoke on Trent
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Stoke on Trent - Children's Social Care
Head office for the Stoke on Trent area. Provides a range of social services for children/families, older people, people with disabilities, learning difficulties and mental health problems through area offices. Several specialist teams. Also provides hospital based services.
- -- Social Care
- -- Care
- -- Child care
- -- Disability
- -- Learning disability
- -- Mental health issues
- -- Stoke on Trent
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CMA Grace Money
Local Community service providing money/debt advice
- -- Advice
- -- Debt
- -- Stoke on Trent
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