The list below is displaying Derbyshire Advisers. There are 118 results, this is page 1 of 12.

Versus Arthritis

Our aim is to provide people with arthritis, and those around them, with up to date information, advice and emotional support. We want to empower people to understand more about their condition and the treatments and self-help options available. We aim to bring you the most up to date evidence-based information and developments for arthritis based on the latest research and medical information.

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Derbyshire Unemployed Workers Centre

Derbyshire Unemployed Workers' Centres provide free and independent welfare rights advice and representation, as well as campaigning for the rights of those who are unemployed, on a low income or who have been made sick, injured or disabled by their work.

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Jobcentre Plus - Matlock

Combined jobsearch and benefits service for people of working age. Personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities and benefits claims. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.

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Derwent Rural Counselling Service

Counselling for anyone experiencing emotional or mental stress, especially people socially and economically disadvantaged by the effects of rural deprivation. Can help with relationship problems, marital problems, stress and anxiety, family relationships, depression and bereavement. We have now expanded under the IAPT banner and provide counseling support throughout the whole of Derbyshire.

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East Cheshire Hospice

East Cheshire Hospice provides care and support for people living with life-limiting illnesses. Facilities include a 15 bed inpatient unit offering 24/7 palliative and respite care, a Hospice @Home service providing 24 hour care to patients at home, and a daycare centre for outpatients which offers various therapies and support for people with dementia, breathlessness, motor neurone disease and more, plus support for carers and families. The Hospice also offers counselling for bereaved family members, as well as social and spiritual support.

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Derbyshire Autism Services Group

Support, advice and information for people with autism spectrum conditions, their families, carers and professionals.

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Jobcentre Plus - Glossop

Combined jobsearch and benefits service for people of working age. Personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities and benefits claims. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.

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Derbyshire Law Centre

Legal advice and representation on housing and homelessness, employment rights, civil liberties, harassment equalities and debt. Phone advice weekdays. Appointments only after assessment by an advice worker. Leaflets and briefing papers on legal issues. Educational and campaigning work. Legal library.

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Links: The Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire Council for Voluntary Service and Action Limited

Supports, promotes and develops local voluntary action and services. Offers information on a wide range of local voluntary organisations, community and self-help groups. Links provides free advice on starting a group, constitutions, charity registration, legal status, policies, insurance, funding, procurement and race equality

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Derbyshire Leaving Care Service - Chesterfield

This includes: social activities to help you meet other young people who are leaving or who have already left care. Help to find accommodation when the time is right to leave care. Help with cooking and the practical things you need to know. Help with filling in forms. Help to put you in contact with organisations and specialist services. Help to cope with the many unexpected things that can pop up when you live on your own. Support into education or employment. Help you with your personal and family relationships

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