The list below is displaying Sandwell Advisers. There are 58 results, this is page 1 of 6.
Lion Farm Action Centre
Community centre providing training & education for the local community, particularly unemployed people & women returners. Basic Online computer training, social groups including crafts and over 50s activities, indoor carpet bowling, art group and job clubs, Volunteering opportunities, Community garden
- -- Advice
- -- Education and training
- -- Employment
- -- Sandwell
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Sandwell Drug and Alcohol Action Team
Advice, information and support for people with a substance misuse problem and anyone who is worried or affected by another's substance misuse. Services include structured intervention, needle exchange, one-to-one sessions, relapse prevention group, carer support, group drop-in and acupunture.
- -- Advice
- -- Befriending
- -- Counselling
- -- Alcohol
- -- Drugs
- -- Sandwell
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Brook in Birmingham
Advice, counselling and contraception. Pregnancy testing, condoms, emergency contraception and other contraceptive supplies for young people under 25. Chlamydia screening.
- -- Advice
- -- Counselling
- -- Health
- -- Sexual health
- -- Birmingham
- -- Coventry
- -- Dudley
- -- Sandwell
- -- Solihull
- -- Walsall
- -- Wolverhampton
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Black Country Women’s Aid
Information, practical and emotional support for women and their children have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse, rape or sexual assault. 24 hour helpline, and outreach services.
- -- Advice
- -- Counselling
- -- Helpline
- -- Women's Aid
- -- Accommodation
- -- Domestic violence
- -- Sexual/physical abuse
- -- Dudley
- -- Sandwell
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Relate - Birmingham
Counselling and sex therapy for couples and people with relationship difficulties. Counselling for young people aged 5-18. Family counselling. Charge for adult/family work, free service for young people. Bursary available for parents who cannot afford to contribute.
- -- Counselling
- -- Relationship difficulties
- -- Birmingham
- -- Sandwell
- -- Solihull
- -- Walsall
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Sandwell Housing Options
Housing advice for homeless people, general public, statutory and voluntary agencies. Private rented sector advice to landlords and tenants. Advice on harassment and illegal eviction. Out of hours emergencies phone 01323 690856
- -- Advice
- -- Housing Department
- -- Accommodation
- -- Homelessness
- -- Housing rights
- -- Sandwell
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Sandwell & Walsall Citizens Advice (Oldbury)
Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, consumer issues, employment and housing rights, legal issues, money and debt.
- -- Advice
- -- Citizens Advice
- -- Benefits
- -- Consumer issues
- -- Debt
- -- Employment
- -- Energy
- -- Housing rights
- -- Legal issues
- -- Sandwell
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Cape Hill Children's Centre
The service offers support to children, young people 0-19 years (25 years for SEND) and their families in Sandwell. The aims of the service are: The early identification and support of children with additional needs. To provide information and advice for families about services in their respective town and across the borough as a whole. To offer a programme of antenatal education courses across the borough. To proactively support families in engaging their children’s early language development. To encourage families to maximise the available early years opportunities through Nursery Education Funding (NEF) and Early Learning for Twos Funding (ELT). To provide a range of support services for families to address their individual needs. In all aspects of delivery to work in partnership with other statutory and voluntary sector agencies. To establish a comprehensive volunteering programme to support the work of the service and to provide parents with invaluable training and experience in their route towards further education and employment as necessary. To ensure the evaluation of all aspects of the service and capturing the impact evidence of the work.
- -- Advice
- -- Practical help
- -- Child care
- -- Disability
- -- Education and training
- -- Health
- -- Learning disability
- -- Sandwell
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Oscar Sandwell
Range of services for people who are affected by sickle cell anaemia or thalassemia. Advice and information. Screening. Counselling. Training and education. Self-help groups.
- -- Advice
- -- Counselling
- -- Self help
- -- Care
- -- Health
- -- Sandwell
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Sandwell IASS
The information advice and support service on issues related to SEN and disability for parents and carers and young people.
- -- Advice
- -- Disability
- -- Learning disability
- -- Sandwell
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