The list below is displaying Sexual/physical abuse Advisers. There are 278 results, this is page 1 of 28.

Derby Women's Centre

Advice, support and a safe space for women in Derbyshire. Counselling service. Legal advice. Pregnancy testing. Employment and skills training. Complementary therapies. Social activities. Support groups: Freedom programme (domestic violence), Phoenix Group (depression).

Scarborough Survivors

Self-help group for people with experience of mental health problems, either personally or as carers/close relatives. Resource centre provides information about local services, also use of computers and internet access, art room, library and coffee bar. Lottery funded project to educate the wider community on the affects of sexual abuse and to support survivors of sexual abuse in childhood.

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NSPCC - Plymouth

Letting the Future In (LTFI) - Aimed at 4-17 year olds who have been sexually abused. The CSPs will explore and allow the young person to express their thoughts, feelings and experienced through therapeutic intervention work. Referral only. Turn the Page (TTP) - Aimed at 5-17 year olds who show harmful sexual behaviour (HSB). This is a treatment program which allows them to manage and understand whilst changing their behaviours. Assessing the Risk Protecting the Child (ARPC) - To assess the risk of sexual harm to a child or children in a family.

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Doncaster Rape and Sexual Abuse Counselling Service

Telephone, webcam and face-to-face counselling for women, men and children who have been raped or sexually abused. Counselling by appointment Monday-Thursday 9.30am-5pm and Friday 9.30am - 4pm with some limited evening availability. Advocacy Service for people who have reported sexual offences to the Police. Information, talks and training for other agencies, awareness raising work.

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Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland

We offer confidential counselling, advocacy, helpline, email support, specialist information and ISVA services.Face to face services available by appointment for women living, working or studying in Tyneside or Northumberland. Volunteering opportunities (but not counselling placements) and membership scheme. Training for professionals.

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Dreadnought Centre

Support, information, advice and counselling for children and young people. Carries out specific work with disabled young people and support/advocacy for children and young people who have problems.

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The Green House

The Green House provides free counselling for children, young people and families who have experienced, or been affected by, sexual abuse at any point in their lives.

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Age UK - Leeds

Advice and information for older people and their carers including pension age benefits, housing, care and local services. Advocacy: elder abuse specialist. Projects include: Hospital to Home, Making the Link, Macmillan Prostate Cancer Support, Mental Health Hospital After-care, Health & wellbeing activities. Internet access available and rooms to hire.

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Women's Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre – Dundee & Angus

Support and information for women, young women, girls and boys who have been raped or sexually abused at any time in their lives. Telephone support for the friends and families of survivors. Public awareness raising and prevention work with young people. Support for workers in the community who are working with survivors. Training for agencies on sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation issues

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Barnsley Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Services

Specialist counselling service for women, men & children who have been raped and/or sexually abused at any time in their lives. Advocacy and advice service, including practical support. Support to the family and friends of those who have experienced sexual abuse. Support and advocacy for people who are going through the justice process.

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