The list below is displaying Legal advice Advisers. There are 170 results, this is page 1 of 18.

Central England Law Centre (Coventry)

Legal advice and representation on community care, employment, housing, immigration, welfare benefits, debt. Specialise in representation at appeals and at court. Help to advise people who are claiming Job Seeker's Allowance and Employment Support Allowance who have had their benefit sanctioned.

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Luton Law Centre

Legal advice on a range of issues, including housing, eviction, repossession, tenancy agreements, homelessness, immigration, EUSS, asylum and nationality, community care. Casework and representation in court

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Age UK Bolton

Advice and information for older people (50+) - including benefits, care, health, housing rights, and local services; legal advice service; community based services and activities; Will-making service; wheelchair hire; Ageing Well Centre (based in Farnworth); lunch groups; strength & balance classes.

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BHT Eastbourne Advice

Advice on Prevention of Homelessness, Disrepair, Housing Register (Allocations), Rent Arrears, Succession, Tenants’ Rights & Landlord’s Responsibilities and other Housing and Welfare Benefits issues. Legal Advice on Housing, Homelessness, Suitability, Eviction, Social and Private Rented Housing Possession and Mortgage Possession.

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Equality and Employment Law Centre

Specialist advice on employment/discrimination law. Representation at employment tribunals/county court.

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Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit

Legal advice and representation on immigration, nationality and asylum issues. Training and campaigning on immigration and nationality and asylum.

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BHT Sussex Advice Centre

Legal service offering Housing Advice. Advice on Immigration/Asylum, and access to Immigration/Asylum solicitors.

Sheffield Occupational Health Advisory Service

Information, advice and advocacy for individuals whose health is affecting their ability to do their job or whose job is causing them to suffer ill health. Information, advice and advocacy for anyone whether that is from a mental or physical health point of view. We can support people who have simple or complex health issues, including Long Covid, Cancer and ADHD or work in industries that are dusty, noisy or work with dangerous chemicals. We can help people with work related benefits e.g. PIP and ESA and provide information on employment law and your rights at work. Open Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm + Friday 9am-1pm

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Derbyshire Law Centre

Legal advice and representation on housing and homelessness, employment rights, civil liberties, harassment equalities and debt. Phone advice weekdays. Appointments only after assessment by an advice worker. Leaflets and briefing papers on legal issues. Educational and campaigning work. Legal library.

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Shelter - Greater Manchester Advice and Support Service

Shelter Manchester has a Legal Aid contract and is able to represent people with possession proceedings, homelessness challenges, disrepair and unlawful eviction cases. Manchester Targeted Advice provides specialist advice and assistance to Manchester residents with housing, debt or welfare benefit problems. You can also access advice on our website and through our webchat facility on

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