The list below is displaying UK Advisers. There are 785 results, this is page 1 of 79.

Young Epilepsy

National charity working on behalf of children and young people with epilepsy. Provides diagnosis, assessment and rehabilitation services. Also has a specialist school and college, providing day and residential services, up to the age of 25, offering education and healthcare for children and young people with epilepsy, autism and other neurological conditions. For those in distress or requiring urgent support, Young Epilepsy has partnered with Shout to offer free, confidential, 24/7 text support to young people and families living with epilepsy. To start a conversation, text ‘PURPLE’ to 85258.

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Helpline for children and young people in danger or distress. Telephone counselling for any child with any problem. Provides support and advice and refers children in danger to appropriate helping agencies.

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Versus Arthritis

Our aim is to provide people with arthritis, and those around them, with up to date information, advice and emotional support. We want to empower people to understand more about their condition and the treatments and self-help options available. We aim to bring you the most up to date evidence-based information and developments for arthritis based on the latest research and medical information.

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Financial Services Authority (FSA) Consumer Helpline

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) Helpline is open between 8 am and 6 pm Monday to Friday offering both an automated publication request service and advisers to take your call. We do not deal with specific consumer complaints, recommend firms or give legal advice, however, the Consumer Helpline can answer general queries about financial products and services. It can also tell you if a firm is authorised and help 'sign post' you if you have a complaint and don't know who to contact.

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Hft's - Family Carer Support Service (FCSS)

Offers one-to-one support by phone, email or letter to family carers who have an adult relative with a learning disability and/or autism. Runs workshops for family carers on the Care Act, Mental Capacity Act and more. Can also provide resources for family carers covering a range of topics including the Care Act, Mental Capacity Act, safeguarding, and benefits guides.

Anorchidism Support Group (ASG)

Helpline advice, information and support for men and boys with congenital or acquired anorchidism (absence of the testes). Help also available for families. Produce a newsletter twice a year. Affiliated to Contact a Family.

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Women's Resource Centre

Membership organisation that co-ordinates and supports voluntary and community projects working for and with women. Information, training, development support and policy consultation for the non-profit sector. Tapered membership fee according to size and annual income. Not a frontline service provider.

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Bipolar UK

Network of support groups and a telephone information line for people with bipolar disorder (formerly known as manic depression), and for their relatives and friends. Ecommunity (online forum) for anyone affected by the illness.

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TransLiving International

Helpline, advice, information, counselling and a self-help support group for transvestites, crossdresers, transsexuals and their partners and families. Helpline, monthly social functions and a quartly international magazine for members.

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National Childbirth Trust (NCT)

Information and support around pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood. Callers are put in touch with counsellors and/or local and regional contacts for support groups, including groups for caesareans and miscarriage. Post-natal exercise groups, antenatal teaching.

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