The list below is displaying Channel Islands Advisers. There are 20 results, this is page 1 of 3.

Relate - Jersey

Counselling for adults who are experiencing difficulties in their relationship and individuals coping with relationship break up or relationship difficulties. We also have Psychosexual Therapists who can help with any sexual difficulties. Fees apply.

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Guernsey Probation Service

Guernsey Probation Service.

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Age Concern - Jersey

Range of services for older people. Advice and information on housing, health and benefits. Social activities including bingo. Daily lunch. Frozen meals service delivers island-wide on Mondays and Thursdays.

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Citizens Advice Jersey

Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, consumer issues, employment and housing rights, money and debt. We offer advice to all islanders, and can signpost accordingly.

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Deaf Action (South of England Office)

Support for deaf and hard of hearing people. Information and advice. Interpreting service. Communications training and development. Youth programme and support for students. Residential service. Community support.

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Mind Jersey

Peer Support- Nearly new Shop - Decider Skills - Camelot Residential service - Youthful minds and CYP - Family and carer service - Counselling - Drop In centre

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Alcohol and Drug Service (Jersey)

Advice, information, individual counselling and practical support for people experiencing difficulties arising from their own or someone else's alcohol or drug use. Alcohol and opiate home detox. Needle exchange. Methadone prescribing. Access to hospital in-patient detox. Women's and men's alcohol groups. Blood borne virus testing. Hepatitis B vaccinations. Arrest referral worker, prison work.

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Support, therapy and advice for anyone affected by drugs, alcohol or gambling. Needle exchange service (Mon 3.30pm - 6.00pm / Tues 9am - 12 noon / Weds 5pm - 7pm / Fri 9am - 10am) . Pre-release work in custody. Licensed SMART Recovery provider. In an emergency situation please phone the National Drugs Helpline on 0800 776600 (24 hours).

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Health Connections Guernsey

Information service on disability, health and mental health issues. Subjects covered include benefits, accessibility, arts and leisure, aids and equipment, treatments and therapies.

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Langley House Trust

Langley House Trust is a national charity which delivers offender rehabilitation services across England. We support adult male and female offenders and those at risk of offending – enabling them to make positive life changes and live crime-free. Services include; Housing and Health / Social Care, Advice and Support services on employment, accommodation, finance & debt, gambling and other addictions.