The list below is displaying Fermanagh and Omagh Advisers. There are 20 results, this is page 1 of 3.

Northern Ireland Housing Executive - Omagh

Assessment of priority need under the Housing (Northern Ireland) Order 1988. Can provide temporary accommodation for those assessed as in priority need - those with children or pregnant, vulnerable because of age (60+), disability or at risk from violence. Also offer general housing advice and information to private and council tenants, and homeless people.

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Jobs and Benefits Office - Omagh

Jobs and Benefits office providing help with finding work, advice on careers and training, Steps to Work opportunities and a benefits service for people of working age. Access to Jobpoint terminals. A Department for Employment and Learning service.

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Community Advice Fermanagh

Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits, welfare rights, consumer issues, employment & housing rights, legal issues, money/debt, health, community care, utility. Tribunal representation. Specialist money/debt advice. Community housing advice project. Pensionwise.

Cruse Bereavement Support - Omagh and Fermanagh

Support and counselling for anyone who has been bereaved.

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Age NI - Beragh

Day care for frail elderly people 2 days a week and for active older people once a week. Day trips, craft work, social gatherings. Advice and information on benefits, disability, health and care issues. Transport can be arranged to and from the centre.

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WAVE Trauma Centre (Omagh)

Support for those who have been bereaved, injured or traumatised through the conflict in Northern Ireland. Befriending service. Peer group support networks. Individual counselling. complementary therapies. Information and advice on benefits, finding accommodation, criminal injuries/damages. Seminars/conferences on trauma, healing and recovery.

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Enniskillen Foodbank

Food Bank. Open Tuesdays 10:30am - 12pm in Newtownbutler / Wednesday 10am - 12pm in Enniskillen and 1pm - 2pm in Belleek / Friday 10am - 12pm in Enniskillen and 1pm -2pm in Irvinestown.

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Omagh Ethnic Communities Support Group (OECSG)

Networking group for minority ethnic communities in Omagh. Advice on benefits, racial harassment, health related issues, training and employment. Runs a training and education programme, acts as a point of contact for groups and runs a series of cultural evenings for the migrant working communities and settled ethnic groups. Arts, crafts, health workshops.

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Omagh Independent Advice Services

Advice and representation service for the local community. Advice on social security, employment, debt, consumer issues, housing and other welfare matters.

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Fermanagh Rural Community Initiative

Training and work experience opportunities for long term unemployed people.

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