The list below is displaying Befriending Advisers. There are 770 results, this is page 1 of 78.
Age UK Sunderland
Front Door Service, Advocacy Service, Community Support Clubs, Keeping in Touch, Dial a Driver, CIT Living Well Links, Hospital Discharge Service, The Essence Service, Social Focus, Information & Advice, Lifestyle Service, Redwood Day Service and Metcalfe Dementia Support Service.
- -- Advice
- -- Befriending
- -- Day centre
- -- Practical help
- -- Benefits
- -- Care
- -- Debt
- -- Education and training
- -- Health
- -- Respite care
- -- Transport and mobility
- -- Sunderland
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Age UK Teesside (Head Office)
Advice and information for older people and their carers. social clubs, befriending Service Middlesbrough, Redcar and Stockton Area, Dementia Advisory Service Middlesbrough and Redcar Area, Carers Support service Redcar Area only
- -- Advice
- -- Befriending
- -- Day centre
- -- Practical help
- -- Signposting
- -- Benefits
- -- Care
- -- Disability
- -- Health
- -- Housing rights
- -- Legal issues
- -- Hartlepool
- -- Middlesbrough
- -- Redcar & Cleveland
- -- Stockton on Tees
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Sahir House
Sahir House is a versatile charity that provides support for both the LGBTQ+ community and individuals impacted by HIV, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Our organisation predominantly operates across the Liverpool City Region. Sahir House offers a wide range of services, including personalised practical and emotional support, information and signposting, counselling, health-related outreach, peer support, community effortment, and advocacy efforts.
- -- Advice
- -- Advocacy
- -- Befriending
- -- Counselling
- -- Self help
- -- Care
- -- Health
- -- Sexual health
- -- Halton
- -- Knowsley
- -- Liverpool
- -- Sefton
- -- St Helens
- -- Warrington
- -- Wirral
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Age UK Bournemouth, Poole & East Dorset
Information and Advice for older people and their carers and family. Community Connections. Befriending. Day centre. Dementia Day Centre. Pub Lunch Club. Yoga. Energetic Walking Group. Toenail cutting service. Community based activities for the over 55s. Making Memories Groups treatment for people with a diagnosis of mild to moderate dementia . Help at Home such as light cleaning, shopping, and garden maintenance.
- -- Advice
- -- Advocacy
- -- Befriending
- -- Benefits
- -- Care
- -- Debt
- -- Disability
- -- Legal issues
- -- Bournemouth
- -- Poole
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Age UK - Bath and North East Somerset
Range of services for older people, their families and carers. Advice and information. Home response scheme. Day care centres and lunch clubs. Befriending. Home from Hospital.
- -- Advice
- -- Befriending
- -- Day centre
- -- Practical help
- -- Benefits
- -- Care
- -- Health
- -- Respite care
- -- Bath & North East Somerset
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Age UK Coventry and Warwickshire
Information and advice for older people, their carers and relatives. Range of care services to support independence including benefits advice, gardening and home support, psychological support/counselling, befriending and dementia day opportunities.
- -- Advice
- -- Befriending
- -- Campaigning
- -- Community centre
- -- Helpline
- -- Signposting
- -- Benefits
- -- Care
- -- Consumer issues
- -- Disability
- -- Education and training
- -- Housing rights
- -- Coventry
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St.Helens Mind
Befriending service providing support by trained volunteers to people who have become isolated due to mental health problems. Also, groups and activities: music and singing groups, art group, allotment/gardening, men’s group, social groups, cinema group. Some groups are open to the public by self referral others by referral by mental health professionals etc.
- -- Advice
- -- Befriending
- -- Day centre
- -- Self help
- -- Mental health issues
- -- St Helens
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Scarborough Survivors
Self-help group for people with experience of mental health problems, either personally or as carers/close relatives. Resource centre provides information about local services, also use of computers and internet access, art room, library and coffee bar. Lottery funded project to educate the wider community on the affects of sexual abuse and to support survivors of sexual abuse in childhood.
- -- Advice
- -- Befriending
- -- Self help
- -- Mental health issues
- -- Sexual/physical abuse
- -- North Yorkshire
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Evesham & District Mental Health Support Services
Adult and Child & Young Person counselling. Telephone and signposting support Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
- -- Advice
- -- Advocacy
- -- Befriending
- -- Counselling
- -- Day centre
- -- Mental health issues
- -- Worcestershire
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Nottinghamshire Mind
Nottinghamshire Mind provides information, counselling, supportive Listening, Memories in Mind, corporate training, training and Education for individuals on a number of topics, support and guidance on mental health issues to those living and working in Nottinghamshire area, clients include those experiencing a mental health issue and their cares, friends and family as well as employers of local business and organisations. See our website for more details of services and how to access services, book a course or for our counselling or support listening service.
- -- Advice
- -- Befriending
- -- Counselling
- -- Mental health issues
- -- Nottinghamshire
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