The list below is displaying Barnet Advisers. There are 75 results, this is page 1 of 8.
Rephael House
One to one therapy offered for: Children and young people 4-25 years. Parents/carers of children and young people attending our service. Bereavement. Anti and post-natal pregnancy emotional health issues. Domestic abuse. Each session costs £47.50 to run, clients are asked to contribute as much as possible to this amount over £47.50. We are also able to provide general therapy at the full cost of £47.50/session. Counselling is provided for up to one year for children and young people up to 18, and two years for those 19 and over. For details of other services offered please visit our website.
- -- Counselling
- -- Bereavement
- -- Domestic violence
- -- Hertfordshire
- -- Barnet
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Jewish Care - Holocaust Survivors Centre and Shalvata
Two centres which run side by side for Holocaust survivors, refugees and their families. Holocaust Survivors' Centre provides a range of social, recreational and cultural activities. Shalvata provides counselling, therapy and social work for survivors of Nazi persecution. Shalvata also works with a group of Bosnian refugees.
- -- Counselling
- -- Day centre
- -- Bereavement
- -- UK
- -- Barnet
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Jewish Care - Sam Beckman Centre for people living with Dementia
Day centre for Jewish people living with dementia. Advice, respite care and support for carers.
- -- Advice
- -- Day centre
- -- Care
- -- Mental health issues
- -- Respite care
- -- Barnet
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Jobcentre Plus - Barnet
Combined Jobseekers allowance office and Jobcentre.
- -- Jobcentre Plus network
- -- Benefits
- -- Employment
- -- Barnet
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Barnet Lone Parent Centre
We offer specialist advice and help with applications for complicated welfare benefits such as Employment Support Allowance, Universal Credit, Personal Independence Payments, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support, etc. As well as basic debt advice and support. We have a holistic approach so can help and referrals for help with free respite breaks, free second-hand furniture and food bank referrals
- -- Advice
- -- Domestic violence
- -- Immigration and nationality
- -- Legal issues
- -- Sexual/physical abuse
- -- Barnet
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Chipping Barnet Foodbank
Food Bank
- -- Foodbank
- -- Practical help
- -- Local services
- -- Barnet
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Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service
Drug and alcohol service for young people (under 18). Advice and information, screening and assessment, drug education work, outreach. Early intervention work with vulnerable young people. Family support intervention. Training for professionals.
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Jewish Care - Michael Sobell Jewish Community Centre
A day centre for older members of the Jewish community, providing activities, entertainment, support and lunch. Also a community programme for people of all ages in the community, providing events and social groups, support groups, exercise classes, and more.
- -- Advice
- -- Day centre
- -- Bereavement
- -- Care
- -- Disability
- -- Health
- -- Barnet
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Colindale Foodbank
Food parcels and access to other local services such as drug and alcohol, adult mental health, debt issues. We are open only Tuesday and Thursday 12pm-2.30pm to obtain food. Monday donations only 1pm-3pm and Wednesday 10am-3pm donations only.
- -- Foodbank
- -- Practical help
- -- Signposting
- -- Alcohol
- -- Debt
- -- Drugs
- -- Local services
- -- Mental health issues
- -- Barnet
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Independent Living Alternatives (ILA)
Promotes the right of disabled people to live independently. Offers information on personal assistance. Provides full time personal care assistants for disabled people who want to live in their own homes. Supports people who want to employ their own assistants. Charges for some services. Managed and run by people with direct experience of disability.
- -- Advice
- -- Practical help
- -- Care
- -- Disability
- -- Barnet
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