The list below is displaying North East Lincolnshire Advisers. There are 29 results, this is page 1 of 3.

Lincolnshire Rural Support Network

Advice and emotional support for Lincolnshire’s farming and rural communities. Our services include listening and signposting helpline, open from 8am to 8pm every day, face-to-face emotional support through our visiting service, advocacy and onward referrals. Our healthcare and outreach service provides healthchecks and advice at Louth and Melton Mowbray livestock markets and Spalding horticultural auction, weekly or fortnightly. Find out more about how we can help at .

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Lincoln and Lindsey Blind Society

Range of services for people who have a visual impairment. Home visiting service. Advice on benefits and assistance with applications, Low Vision Assessments, Resource centre in Louth. Aids and equipment, Agents for BWBF radios for the blind, talking newspapers, befriending and Social clubs.

CARE Housing

CARE Housing provides vulnerable people who are homeless, facing homelessness or badly housed with an opportunity to secure a home in the Private Rental Sector without the financial barrier of rent in advance, deposits and fees.

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NEST - North East Substance Team

Works with young people up to the age of 18, offering a range of services around ant type of substance use/misuse, including solvents, cannabis, alcohol, ecstasy, heroin and crack cocaine. One-to-one work, harm reduction, mental health support, full health screening including sexual health, relationship advice and pregnancy testing.

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Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire

Supports, promotes and develops local voluntary action and offers services to voluntary groups. Offers information on a wide range of local voluntary organisations, community and self-help groups. Provides training to voluntary organisations, assistance with fundraising and advice on charity and company law. Hosts a volunteer centre.

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Great Grimsby Combined Court Centre

This Courts/Tribunals service handles cases around: Adoption, Bankruptcy, Childcare arrangements if you separate from your partner, Crime, Divorce hearings, Domestic abuse, High Court cases – serious or high profile criminal or civil law cases, Housing, Money claims, Single justice procedure

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Tenancy support for high risk and vulnerable care leavers and those at risk of offending in Hull, North and North east Lincolnshire and East Riding of Yorkshire. Mentoring project working with Humberside Probation. Supported accommodation for young people. Volunteer befriending project in North Lincolnshire. Life skills education project.

Harbour Place Day Centre

Day centre for people over 16 who are homeless or in need. Showers, clothing store, breakfast and lunch. Housing advice, pre-tenancy, resettlement & tenancy sustainment support. Dentist, specialist health visitor and community nurse. Art therapy group. Job club. Advice and guidance around literacy, numeracy, life skills, jobsearch. IT training. Street outreach service.

North East Lincolnshire Women's Aid

Advice and support service for women who are or have experienced domestic violence/abuse.

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Cruse Bereavement Support - Grimsby, Cleethorpes and Louth

One-to-one support for bereaved people, including children. Phone & zoom service,24 hour answerphone that is checked every day and responded to within 72 hours .

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