The list below is displaying Ards and North Down Advisers. There are 18 results, this is page 1 of 2.

Samaritans - Bangor and North Down

24 hour national telephone helpline (116 123) offers emotional support for anyone in crisis. Offers a listening and befriending service to people who are isolated, feel in despair or who are suicidal. Callers are put through to their nearest unengaged branch. Email support service through

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Crossroads Caring for Carers - Northern Ireland

Head office for Crossroads in Northern Ireland, providing respite care for carers of people with disabilities or long term illness. Acts as a central resource for the Northern Ireland schemes. Can put carers in touch with their nearest scheme.

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Community Advice Ards & North Down

Advice and information on issues including housing rights, welfare rights and benefits, consumer and employment rights.

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Jobcentre - Bangor (NI)

Jobcentre providing up to date details of local vacancies and training opportunities. A Department for Employment and Learning JobCentre.

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Ballybeen Women's Centre

Drop-in centre for women. Pre-school and toddlers group, creche. Peer education project for young people aged 12-25. Information on health and sexual health. Education and training for women.

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Northern Ireland Housing Executive - Newtownards

Assessment of priority need under the Housing (Northern Ireland) Order 1988. Can provide temporary accommodation for those assessed as in priority need - those with children or pregnant, vulnerable because of age (60+), disability or at risk from violence. Also offers general housing advice and information to private and council tenants, and homeless people.

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North Down and Ards Women's Aid (Bangor)

Advice, information and support for women and children who are experiencing domestic & sexual violence and who need a safe place to stay. Provides temporary accommodation for 7 women and children. NI 24 hour helpline on 0808 802 1414.

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Positive Futures

Positive Futures supports children, young people and adults with a learning disability, acquired brain injury and autistic spectrum condition, and their families. Their unique brand of person-centered support enables people to achieve dreams and transforms lives. Positive Futures offers supported living services, enabling the people supported to live in, and contribute to, their local community. Positive Futures also offers support to children and their families through their Family Support Services. Positive Futures provides other support through a range of innovative services and projects, such as their Families Matter Shared Lives Service, Residential Short Break Service and Brighter Futures Project.

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Newtownards Foodbank

Food Bank

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North Down CAB - Bangor

Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits and welfare rights, consumer, employment and housing rights, money and debt. Outreach sessions at 3 venues in the community - phone for details. Home visits for people with disabilities and those with caring responsibilities by arrangement. BSL interpretation service on Tuesday 10am - 12 noon.

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