The list below is displaying Blackpool Advisers. There are 29 results, this is page 1 of 3.

Brook Blackburn

Free and confidential sexual health services for under 25s including; contraception, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing, chlamydia screening, termination referrals, disabled access, and interpreting service (can be arranged).

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Fylde Coast Advice and Legal Centre

The Fylde Coast and Legal Centre was established due to the clear high levels of hardship and deprivation within our communities. Many people have to approach food banks even those who are working; due to such deprivation have needed to supplement their income. Subjects covered: Benefits/Housing/Debt Advice/Legal Issues

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Local, regional and national services aimed at improving equality of opportunities for Deaf people. Residential care and rehabilitation projects, youth work, Deaf awareness and BSL training. Information and advice on a variety of issues related to deafness

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Preston and Western Lancashire Racial Equality and Diversity Council

Promotes equality of opportunity and good race relations. Advice for individuals on racial, age, disability, religious and other discrimination and racial harassment

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Blackpool Family Information Service

Provides information on childcare options, education provision and services for children. Information on financial support available for childcare costs, and any other family related matter.

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The Hub - Young People's Substance Misuse Service

Substance misuse service for young people aged 24 and under, their families, friends and professionals working with them. One-to-one support, advice and information on all substances including solvents. Training and groupwork. Access to doctors clinics.

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Blackpool SENDIASS

We offer SEND information, advice and support related to the law around education, health and social care to parents, children and young people from 0-25. The service is free, confidential, impartial and at arm's length from Blackpool Council.

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Jobcentre Plus - Fleetwood

Combined jobsearch and benefits service for people of working age. Personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities and benefits claims. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.

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Provides a range of services for people who have issues with drug or alcohol misuse. Services include residential rehabilitation, support and mentoring for ex-offenders, tenancy support and aftercare.

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Refugee Action - North West (Manchester)

Advice and information for asylum seekers and refugees.