The list below is displaying St Helens Advisers. There are 59 results, this is page 1 of 6.

St Helens Social Services - Head Office

Range of social services for children and families, older people, people with disabilities, learning difficulties and mental health problems, through 2 area offices. Several specialist teams. Also provide hospital based services. Out of hours emergencies phone 0345 0500 148.

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Jobcentre Plus - St Helens

Combined jobsearch and benefits service for people of working age. Personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities and benefits claims. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.

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Connexions Greater Merseyside - St Helens

Information, advice and guidance on a range of issues for young people aged 13-19. Subjects include health, welfare benefits, education and career options. Vacancy service matching young people to local employment opportunities.

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Sure Start Parr

Family support, respite childcare, child and adult play and learning groups, baby massage, baby yoga, breastfeeding advice, pregnancy advice, post natal support. Parenting classes, basic skills, well bay clinic, support for children with special needs, childminders network, toy library.

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RASA Merseyside (Rape and Sexual Abuse) - Birkenhead

Helpline offering counselling, information and support for women, men, girls and boys who are survivors of rape, sexual assault, child sexual abuse or any other form of sexual violence. Face-to-face counselling, helpline support and an ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Advisor) Service supporting clients from report to court. Female only staff and volunteers. Children’s one to one support.

Newton Family and Community Centre

Community centre providing a range of courses, activities and services. Information resources, including leaflets on welfare benefits and local support groups. Job search club. Adult education courses including IT, languages, literacy and numeracy. Complimentary therapies. Volunteering opportunities for people aged 13+.

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St Helens Young People's Drug and Alcohol Team - Merseyside

Advice, information and support for young people up to the age of 19 who are misusing alcohol or drugs. Services include assessment and care planning, one-to-one support. Sexual health advice. Abstinence and relapse prevention support. Harm reduction work. Access to health reviews and consultant. Training for professionals. Sessions and support for parents to raise awareness of risks of substance misuse.

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Chrysalis Centre for Change

Provides a range of support services for women. Services include Counselling, Transform Your Life program - a range of groups and courses to support, empower and inspire women to create the life they want including courses for confidence and assertiveness, stress and anxiety management, managing depression, and groups for domestic abuse support and therapeutic arts and crafts.

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St Helens County Court and Family Court

This Courts/Tribunals service handles cases around: Childcare arrangements if you separate from your partner, Divorce hearings, Domestic abuse, High Court cases – serious or high profile criminal or civil law cases, Housing, Money claims, Benefits

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Mersey Region Epilepsy Association

Support and information for people with epilepsy and for their families and carers.

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