The list below is displaying Doncaster Advisers. There are 40 results, this is page 1 of 5.

Jobcentre Plus - Doncaster

Combined jobsearch and benefits service for people of working age. personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities and benefits claims. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.

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Working Win Rotherham

Working Win is a free service, which aims to support you if you have a physical and/or mental health condition and would like to find meaningful employment or stay in your current role. We also provide you with ongoing in-work support in both your new or existing role.

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South Yorks Eating Disorders Association

Information, advice and support for people with an eating disorder and their carers in South Yorkshire. Services include telephone helpline, one-to-one assessments, counselling, complementary therapies, dieteic advice and cognitive behavioural therapy. Mentoring and befriending.

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Weston Park Cancer Charity

We’re here from the moment you’re diagnosed, for you and the people around you. We fund research, enhance treatment and offer advice, support and practical help as you live with and beyond cancer, and our services are free.

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Doncaster Housing for Young People

Advice, information and support for young people (16-25) who are homeless or inadequately housed. Advice and information on finding accommodation and other housing support needs at the main office on Chequer Road. Outreach Service. Supported Lodgings Service, Supported Shared Housing accommodation and a Floating Support Service (01302 738198).

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Sheffield and Rotherham Asbestos Group

Information, advice and support for anyone whose life is affected by asbestos related disease and exposure to asbestos. Assistance with industrial injury and related benefits, civil and other compensation schemes. Mutual support from others also affected by asbestos related disease.

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Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council - Housing Options Team

Assessment of entitlement to housing for people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. Housing provided for people considered in priority need of housing. Temporary accommodation may be available while enquiries are made about eligibility. General housing advice and information for private, council tenants and homeless people. Referrals to supported housing providers and other agencies.

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Doncaster Partnership for Carers (DPFC)

Support for adults living in Doncaster who give caring support to a family member, partner or friend who rely on their help through frailty, physical, sensory or learning disability, mental health problem or substance misuse. Information, advice, emotional support offered. We also facilitate Doncaster Parents Voice the forum for parents of C&YP with SEND providing information, advice and activities for the whole family

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Doncaster Council - Adult Social Services

Initial contact point for adult social services in Doncaster. Services include information/advice, signposting to community support, Occupational Therapy and assessments of needs.

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Doncaster CAB

Advice and information on a range of issues, including benefits, consumer, employment, housing rights, money and debt. Debt Line: 01405 741457. Benefits Line: 01405 816702. Extension service at The Hope Centre, Stainforth Methodist Church, Church Road, Stainforth - Tuesday 10am - 2pm.

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