The list below is displaying Barnsley Advisers. There are 32 results, this is page 1 of 4.

Barnsley Law Courts

This Courts/Tribunals service handles cases around: Bankruptcy, Childcare arrangements if you separate from your partner, Crime, Divorce hearings, Domestic abuse, High Court cases – serious or high profile criminal or civil law cases, Housing, Money claims, Benefits

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Working Win Rotherham

Working Win is a free service, which aims to support you if you have a physical and/or mental health condition and would like to find meaningful employment or stay in your current role. We also provide you with ongoing in-work support in both your new or existing role.

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South Yorks Eating Disorders Association

Information, advice and support for people with an eating disorder and their carers in South Yorkshire. Services include telephone helpline, one-to-one assessments, counselling, complementary therapies, dieteic advice and cognitive behavioural therapy. Mentoring and befriending.

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Weston Park Cancer Charity

We’re here from the moment you’re diagnosed, for you and the people around you. We fund research, enhance treatment and offer advice, support and practical help as you live with and beyond cancer, and our services are free.

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DIAL - Barnsley

Advice line: advice and information for people with disabilities, their carers and professionals. Advice on a range of subjects, including disability benefits, housing, and equipment. Outreach: face to face sessions with an advisor in certain wards across Barnsley. The advisors help to complete forms such as disability benefits, blue badges, housing etc. Other services offered: Warm Connections (help and support for energy vulnerable clients), Connect Together, (social inclusion project for people who live in the North area of Barnsley), Stronger Together (social inclusion / borough wide) and Time Together (time bank / borough wide).

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Sheffield and Rotherham Asbestos Group

Information, advice and support for anyone whose life is affected by asbestos related disease and exposure to asbestos. Assistance with industrial injury and related benefits, civil and other compensation schemes. Mutual support from others also affected by asbestos related disease.

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Action Housing and Support - Barnsley Floating Support Project

Support to enable people to live as independently as possible in their own accommodation. Aimed at those aged 18+ with history of/at risk of offending, homeless/at risk of homelessness, leaving institutional accommodation/care, with substance misuse issues, or contact with the probation service. Advice, liaison with other agencies, support around benefits, budgeting, finding work, life skills.

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Refugee Education Training and Advisory Service - RETAS

We offer specialist employment, integration and advocacy services to refugees, asylum seekers and other vulnerable migrants which include: An initial ‘Welcome to Leeds’ orientation / Our 28 Day Transition Project to enable asylum seekers who have very recently been granted refugee status to transition successfully from living as asylum seekers in HO accommodation, to living independently in alternative accommodation and integrating successfully into local communities / ESOL classes / IELTS (International English Language Testing System) / 1 to 1 information, advice and guidance to support with accessing education and employment opportunities / Employability workshops including: managing basic skills to university applications; volunteering and work placements.

Barnsley Social Services

Provides a range of social services for children/families, older people, people with disabilities, learning difficulties and mental health problems through specialist teams. Also provides hospital based services.

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Samaritans of Barnsley

Telephone helpline operating 24 hours a day offering emotional support for anyone in distress or despair including those which lead to suicide. Offers a listening service to people who are isolated, feel in despair or who are suicidal. The national Samaritans number is free to call and is 116123

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