The list below is displaying Mid Ulster Advisers. There are 23 results, this is page 1 of 3.
Shelter Northern Ireland
We provide temporary furnished accommodation and step-up step-down support services for young people aged 16-25, Advice and information on housing and homelessness for people in housing need, through our SLATE project based in Omagh. GABLE operates services throughout Strabane, L’Derry, Magherafelt and Limavady. One service supports older and disabled people with the Disabled Facilities Grant. Helping Hands service and aims to provide a “First Response” to households which require urgent repairs or maintenance to their home.
- -- Advice
- -- Campaigning
- -- Accommodation
- -- Homelessness
- -- Housing rights
- -- Legal issues
- -- Belfast
- -- Derry and Strabane
- -- Mid Ulster
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Jobcentre - Cookstown
Jobcentre providing up to date details of local vacancies and training opportunities. A Department for Employment and Learning JobCentre.
- -- Advice
- -- Jobcentre Plus network
- -- Benefits
- -- Employment
- -- Mid Ulster
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Brainwaves Northern Ireland
Provide information and support to adults and children with brain tumours and their families and carers. The services provided by Brainwaves NI are designed to help those affected by a brain tumour to understand what is happening, to ask the right questions and to make informed decisions. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, or just need to talk to someone please contact us on our phone line or send us an email.
- -- Befriending
- -- Self help
- -- Disability
- -- Health
- -- Terminal illness/dying
- -- Mid Ulster
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Rural Support Line
Telephone helpline providing a signposting service and listening service for farmers and rural communities.
- -- Helpline
- -- Local services
- -- Mid Ulster
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Jobs and Benefits Office - Dungannon
Jobs and Benefits office providing help with finding work, advice on careers and training, Steps to Work opportunities and a benefits service for people of working age. Access to Jobpoint terminals. A Department for Employment and Learning service.
- -- Jobcentre Plus network
- -- Benefits
- -- Employment
- -- Mid Ulster
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Age NI - Dungannon
Offer 4 days of general day care for older people i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am-5pm.
- -- Advice
- -- Day centre
- -- Practical help
- -- Care
- -- Health
- -- Local services
- -- Mid Ulster
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Cookstown & Western Shores Area Network (CWSAN)
Cookstown and Western Shores Area Network (CWSAN) is a community based umbrella organisation formed to represent and support the interests of community Groups within the rural areas of Mid Ulster. The network aims to support the activities of groups in the area through a range of measures which include training, facilitation, information access, brokerage and consultation.
- -- Advice
- -- Education and training
- -- Mid Ulster
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Oakleaf Rural Community Network
Umbrella group providing advice, information and support for rural community groups and groups in development in rural areas. Deal with issues concerning poverty, unemployment, health and social services, social and economic needs of women, transport, economic development and tourism.
- -- Advice
- -- Second tier
- -- Local services
- -- Coleraine
- -- Derry
- -- Limavady
- -- Magherafelt
- -- Mid Ulster
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Jobs and Benefits Office - Magherafelt
Jobs and Benefits office providing help with finding work, advice on careers and training, Steps to Success opportunities and a benefits service for people of working age. Access to Digital Zone computers. A Department For Communities service.
- -- Jobcentre Plus network
- -- Benefits
- -- Employment
- -- Mid Ulster
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Northern Ireland Housing Executive - Cookstown
Assessment of priority need under the Housing (Northern Ireland) Order 1988. Can provide temporary accommodation for those assessed as in priority need - those with children or pregnant, vulnerable because of age (60+), disability or at risk from violence. Also offers general housing advice and information to private and public sector tenants, and homeless people.
- -- Advice
- -- Housing Department
- -- Accommodation
- -- Homelessness
- -- Housing rights
- -- Mid Ulster
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