The list below is displaying Blaenau Gwent Advisers. There are 42 results, this is page 1 of 5.

Gwent Specialist Substance Misuse Service - Ebbw Vale

Range of services for drug users, potential users and ex-users. Advice, support, needle exchange (phone for times) and free condoms. Counselling. Ongoing support and liaison with other agencies. Works within a harm reduction approach.

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Horizon Sexual Violence Services

Horizon is a project run by Cyfannol Women’s Aid which supports anyone who has experienced sexual violence at any time in their life. This includes sexual bullying and harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner sexual violence, rape, child sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, child sexual exploitation, grooming, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, modern slavery and trafficking, and revenge porn. Our services include sexual violence counselling, ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Advocacy), peer support groups, sexual violence recovery toolkit, self-help, SEASS (Sexual Exploitation Advocacy Support Service) and support for family and friends.

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Blaenau Gwent Foodbank

Food Bank

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Cwm Taf People First

Self Advocacy Support to adults with learning disabilities, Learning Disability Training, Easy Read Translation, Understanding Climate Change and taking part in Nature, illustration

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Age Cymru Gwent - Advocacy Service Gwent

This service provides advocacy to individuals aged 18+ in Torfaen, Monmouthshire, Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly who are entitled to an independent advocate under the Social services and wellbeing act. The service also provides generic advocacy for people who need to have their voices heard and their rights upheld.Referrals can be made directly via the telephone phone number on this form or via the GATA helpline on; 0808 801 0566.

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Victim Support - Gwent

If you’ve been affected by crime, call your local victim care team in Gwent on 0300 303 5638. Lines are open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. If you need support outside of our open hours, call our Supportline for free on 08 08 16 89 111 or request support via our website. We give emotional and practical help to people who have been affected by crime in Gwent. We’re an independent charity and you can contact us for support regardless of whether you’ve contacted the police, and no matter how long ago the crime took place. We’ll help you for as long as it takes to overcome the impact of crime. If you call your local Victim Support team in Gwent, we’ll make sure you get the information and support you need. This might be arranging a meeting for you to talk to us and receive emotional support in confidence, helping you to fill out a compensation form or get advice on how to make your home more secure, or referring you to other specialist organisations that can also help. In Gwent we work alongside a range of partner organisations in the Connect Gwent Victims Hub.

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Shelter Cymru - Cardiff Office

Advice and information for homeless people and anyone with housing problems. Subjects covered include rent or mortgage arrears and repossessions, rent increases, disrepair, illegal eviction and harassment, benefits for housing costs. Services and housing advice surgeries in Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Cardiff, Merthyr Tydfill, Monmouth, Newport, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Torfaen, Vale of Glamorgan.

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Age Cymru Gwent, Blaenau Gwent Carers Community Service

Support and information for Carers. Social Groups, Events and Advice on benefits, including help with completing forms.

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Age Cymru Gwent - Connect Gwent- Victims Hub

This service gives practical and emotional support for victims of crime for people. This support includes safety advice and managing installations of safety devices, along with help to fill in forms, shopping, and joining social activities. They also make onward referrals to other agencies that can make adaptations to the home or provide packages of care.

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Age Cymru Gwent – Information & Advice Service

This service offers a wide range of information and advice to anyone throughout Gwent via the telephone. Home visits will be considered where there are communiaction and mobility barriers. The service offers a 360 degree service for clients needing information or advice in areas such as; community care, care home fees, accessing a full welfare benefit entitlement check and assistance with welfare benefit form completion and appeals form completion. The service does not attend Tribunals with or on behalf of people nor provide any debt advice.

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