The list below is displaying Caerphilly Advisers. There are 36 results, this is page 1 of 4.

Blackwood Civil and Family Court

This Courts/Tribunals service handles cases around: Bankruptcy, Childcare arrangements if you separate from your partner, Domestic abuse, High Court cases – serious or high profile criminal or civil law cases, Housing, Money claims.

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Family Mediation Cymru

Mediators help couples who are separating or divorcing or who are in conflict following separation or divorce to discuss and negotiate arrangements for the future concerning children, property and finance. Hold an LSC Quality Mark and can offer free mediation under the legal aid scheme to people on a low income, otherwise charged on a sliding scale according to income

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Caerphilly Social Services - Head Office

Head office for the Caerphilly area. Provides a range of social services for children/families, older people, people with disabilities, learning difficulties and mental health problems through 5 locality offices. Several specialist teams.

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Age Cymru Gwent - Advocacy Service Gwent

This service provides advocacy to individuals aged 18+ in Torfaen, Monmouthshire, Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly who are entitled to an independent advocate under the Social services and wellbeing act. The service also provides generic advocacy for people who need to have their voices heard and their rights upheld.Referrals can be made directly via the telephone phone number on this form or via the GATA helpline on; 0808 801 0566.

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Shelter Cymru - Cardiff Office

Advice and information for homeless people and anyone with housing problems. Subjects covered include rent or mortgage arrears and repossessions, rent increases, disrepair, illegal eviction and harassment, benefits for housing costs. Services and housing advice surgeries in Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Cardiff, Merthyr Tydfill, Monmouth, Newport, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Torfaen, Vale of Glamorgan.

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Age Cymru Gwent - Caerphilly Move On Housing Service

Caerphilly Move On is a housing-related support service for people aged 55 and over. To be eligible, you must live in Caerphilly and experience difficulties of a housing nature. We provide information and person-centred support to assist with your housing issues such as: Crisis intervention for potential eviction or repossession. Support with housing options, finding alternative and suitable accommodation or homelessness. Support to tackle financial issues, maximising income, payment plans, budgeting and claiming welfare benefits. Support with communicating with agencies and professionals. For example, housing providers, legal services, Department of Work and Pensions. Life skills to help with maintaining your home. Obtaining aids and adaptations to assist you remaining independent in your home.

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Jobcentre Plus - Bargoed

Combined jobsearch and benefits service for people of working age. Personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities and benefits claims. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.

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Age Cymru Gwent – Information & Advice Service

This service offers a wide range of information and advice to anyone throughout Gwent via the telephone. Home visits will be considered where there are communiaction and mobility barriers. The service offers a 360 degree service for clients needing information or advice in areas such as; community care, care home fees, accessing a full welfare benefit entitlement check and assistance with welfare benefit form completion and appeals form completion. The service does not attend Tribunals with or on behalf of people nor provide any debt advice.

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Risca Citizens Advice

Advice on all issues including welfare benefits, debt, employment, housing

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New Pathways

Helpline and face-to-face counselling service for men, women, children and young people who are traumatised by rape or sexual abuse. Also for their families and partners. Counselling for children traumatised by any issue.