The list below is displaying Newport Advisers. There are 54 results, this is page 1 of 6.

False Allegations Support Organisation (UK)

Practical advice and emotional support for anyone affected by a false allegation of abuse, via a helpline (open Monday to Friday 10am to 10pm – Sat 10am – 4pm) and email service. Network of groups, members and supporters who maintain contact with convicted prisoners.

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Horizon Sexual Violence Services

Horizon is a project run by Cyfannol Women’s Aid which supports anyone who has experienced sexual violence at any time in their life. This includes sexual bullying and harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner sexual violence, rape, child sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, child sexual exploitation, grooming, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, modern slavery and trafficking, and revenge porn. Our services include sexual violence counselling, ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Advocacy), peer support groups, sexual violence recovery toolkit, self-help, SEASS (Sexual Exploitation Advocacy Support Service) and support for family and friends.

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Newport (South Wales) County Court and Family Court

This Courts/Tribunals service handles cases around: Adoption, Bankruptcy, Childcare arrangements if you separate from your partner, Civil partnership, Domestic abuse, Financial Remedy, High Court cases – serious or high profile criminal or civil law cases, Housing, Money claims

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Shelter Cymru - Cardiff Office

Advice and information for homeless people and anyone with housing problems. Subjects covered include rent or mortgage arrears and repossessions, rent increases, disrepair, illegal eviction and harassment, benefits for housing costs. Services and housing advice surgeries in Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Cardiff, Merthyr Tydfill, Monmouth, Newport, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Torfaen, Vale of Glamorgan.

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Newport (South Wales) Magistrates' Court

This Courts/Tribunals service handles cases around: Crime, Single justice procedure

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Risca Foodbank

Food Bank

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Care and Repair Cymru - Newport

Assist older and disabled home owners to repair, improve and adapt their property by offering the following services: advice (housing options & practical solutions to repair needs), financial assistance (benefits, grants & loans), administration (practical help with forms), technical assistance (contractors, surveys, plans and specifications), monitoring (building work), support (home services).

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Age Cymru Gwent - Connect Gwent- Victims Hub

This service gives practical and emotional support for victims of crime for people. This support includes safety advice and managing installations of safety devices, along with help to fill in forms, shopping, and joining social activities. They also make onward referrals to other agencies that can make adaptations to the home or provide packages of care.

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Age Cymru Gwent – Information & Advice Service

This service offers a wide range of information and advice to anyone throughout Gwent via the telephone. Home visits will be considered where there are communiaction and mobility barriers. The service offers a 360 degree service for clients needing information or advice in areas such as; community care, care home fees, accessing a full welfare benefit entitlement check and assistance with welfare benefit form completion and appeals form completion. The service does not attend Tribunals with or on behalf of people nor provide any debt advice.

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New Pathways

Helpline and face-to-face counselling service for men, women, children and young people who are traumatised by rape or sexual abuse. Also for their families and partners. Counselling for children traumatised by any issue.