The list below is displaying Solihull Advisers. There are 30 results, this is page 1 of 4.
NHS Coventry, Warwickshire and Solihull Talking Therapies
NHS Talking Therapies operates as a collaboration between Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust and Coventry and Warwickshire Mind. It is a free NHS service to help people with mild, moderate and moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety and low mood.
- -- Advice
- -- Practical help
- -- Mental health issues
- -- Coventry
- -- Solihull
- -- Warwickshire
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Brook in Birmingham
Advice, counselling and contraception. Pregnancy testing, condoms, emergency contraception and other contraceptive supplies for young people under 25. Chlamydia screening.
- -- Advice
- -- Counselling
- -- Health
- -- Sexual health
- -- Birmingham
- -- Coventry
- -- Dudley
- -- Sandwell
- -- Solihull
- -- Walsall
- -- Wolverhampton
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Solihull Bereavement Counselling Service
Bereavement counselling for adults and children living in Solihull.
- -- Counselling
- -- Bereavement
- -- Solihull
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Marie Curie Hospice (Solihull)
Specialist palliative care for people with cancer. Inpatient facilities. Outpatient services. Day care and therapy. Hospice in the Community services. One-to-one bereavement support for family/carers/friends of patients who have died and been under the care of the hospice.
- -- Counselling
- -- Practical help
- -- Bereavement
- -- Care
- -- Health
- -- Respite care
- -- Terminal illness/dying
- -- Birmingham
- -- Solihull
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Relate - Birmingham
Counselling and sex therapy for couples and people with relationship difficulties. Counselling for young people aged 5-18. Family counselling. Charge for adult/family work, free service for young people. Bursary available for parents who cannot afford to contribute.
- -- Counselling
- -- Relationship difficulties
- -- Birmingham
- -- Sandwell
- -- Solihull
- -- Walsall
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Oasis Mental Health Support (Formerly Solihull Mind)
Support for people aged 17-65 with mental health problems. Drop-in centre, art, reading/literature and music groups, computer training, out of hours crisis service, confidence building course, healthy living/eating , sports activities, counselling and group work. Advocacy. Women only drop-in. Horticulture scheme in Knowle. Support group for gay/bisexual men and women. Also run a supported housing scheme. Training for other agencies in mental health awareness. Debt and financial advice (FCA registered)
- -- Advice
- -- Advocacy
- -- Counselling
- -- Benefits
- -- Debt
- -- Education and training
- -- Mental health issues
- -- Solihull
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Birmingham & Solihull Women's Aid
Telephone helpline offering support and information to women experiencing domestic violence. Access to emergency refuge accommodation. Telephone and face-to-face information on housing, benefits, emergency accommodation, family contact issues, civil and criminal law remedies. Therapeutic counselling. Out of hours answerphone with refuge services number 5pm – 9.15am. Practitioner training.
- -- Advice
- -- Counselling
- -- Helpline
- -- Women's Aid
- -- Accommodation
- -- Benefits
- -- Domestic violence
- -- Legal issues
- -- Birmingham
- -- Solihull
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Better Pathways
Better Pathways is a mental health charity in Digbeth, Birmingham, supporting people with poor mental health and learning difficulties on their pathway to recovery. We provide employment support and a range of education, training and volunteering opportunities across Birmingham, Sandwell and Solihull. We also deliver therapeutic work and activities programmes through our social enterprises, which provide packing and assembly services, sign and badge production, engraving services, and bespoke creations using recycled timber. We exist to help and inspire the people we work with to believe in themselves and to achieve their full potential. We also promote good mental health in our communities, and with the organisations with which we work.
- -- Advice
- -- Practical help
- -- Signposting
- -- Disability
- -- Education and training
- -- Employment
- -- Learning disability
- -- Mental health issues
- -- Birmingham
- -- Solihull
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Jobcentre Plus - Solihull
Combined jobsearch and benefits service for people of working age. Personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities and benefits claims. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.
- -- Jobcentre Plus network
- -- Benefits
- -- Employment
- -- Solihull
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Aquarius/SIAS - Solihull Integrated Addiction Services
Services for people experiencing problems with their alcohol & drugs use, and for their friends & families. Individual and group counselling, assessments & referrals to specialist services. Counsellors based at GP surgeries and at the Probation Service. Gambling counselling. Auricular acupuncture. Can offer referral to other services should it be required.
- -- Advice
- -- Counselling
- -- Alcohol
- -- Drugs
- -- Gambling
- -- Solihull
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