The list below is displaying Southend on Sea Advisers. There are 34 results, this is page 1 of 4.

Southend Foodbank

Food Bank

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Together Advocacy Centre

Advocacy services for adults (18+) with mental health problems. Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) for adults aged 18+ who lack the mental capacity to make a specific life changing decision, Independent Mental Health Advocate (IMHA) for residents of Southend that are sectioned. Advocacy for adults with Asperger’s Syndrome.

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DIAL South Essex- The Disability Helpline

Advice and information for disabled people, carers, relatives or anybody with a disability related issue. Subjects covered include welfare benefits including appeals, community care, aids & adaptations, transport, mobility and anything relating to disability.

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Southend County Court and Family Court

This Courts/Tribunals service handles cases around: Adoption, Bankruptcy, Childcare arrangements if you separate from your partner, Divorce hearings, Domestic abuse, High Court cases – serious or high profile criminal or civil law cases, Housing, Money claims, Benefits

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Headway Essex

Advice, information, support and day care for adults with acquired brain injury, their carers and professionals involved in their care. Support group for carers. Day centre offers opportunities for social rehabilitation, relearning basic living skills, adult basic education and crafts.

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Connexions Southend - Southend Central

Information, advice, guidance and support for young people on issues including learning, careers, jobs, life issues, money, health, relationships, housing and free time. Recruitment service for employers looking to employ young people.

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Southend Young Person's Drug and Alcohol Team

Treatment provision for people under 18, who live in Southend, to address their drug and/or alcohol misuse. Also provides a service for 18-21 year olds with drug misuse issues working with those who are misusing a wide range of substances, except those with opiate and/or crack cocaine use or dependent drinkers, who are referred to CGL (Change, Grow, Live).

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BATIAS Independent Advocacy Service

Advocacy service for people with learning disabilities. Offer one to one and group advocacy. Provide representation and empowerment to enable people's voices to be heard and to support them in obtaining their rights. Our zero 5 club is a popular social group for people with disabilities which is facilitated by advocates who can provide support for individuals and signposting for further services.

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Jobcentre Plus - Southend

Combined jobsearch and benefits service for people of working age. Personal advisers assist with jobsearch activities and benefits claims. Access to Jobpoint terminals for information on job vacancies. Part of the Department for Work and Pensions' Jobcentre Plus network.

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Cruse Bereavement Support - Essex Area

Telephone/ Zoom bereavement support (in certain circumstances 1-2-1).

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