The list below is displaying Islington Advisers. There are 140 results, this is page 1 of 15.


Helpline for children and young people in danger or distress. Telephone counselling for any child with any problem. Provides support and advice and refers children in danger to appropriate helping agencies.

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Women's Resource Centre

Membership organisation that co-ordinates and supports voluntary and community projects working for and with women. Information, training, development support and policy consultation for the non-profit sector. Tapered membership fee according to size and annual income. Not a frontline service provider.

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Islington SENDIAS

The Service provides free, legally based, impartial, confidential and accessible information, advice and support on all matters relating to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). We offer: Information and advice, either face to face, by telephone or electronically. Help with preparing for meetings with schools, colleges and the Local Authority. Support to express your views and wishes. Information, advice, and support on all education, health and social care matters. Help with writing letters, reports and filling in forms. Help to complete SEN-related paperwork such as requests for EHC assessment, Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). Information about local and national services and help with making referrals to services. Information, advice and support to help resolve conflicts and disagreements e.g. with schools, colleges and the Local Authority. Help with paperwork for Disability related welfare benefits including Disability Living Allowance (DLA). Advice on Health & Social Care, Personal Budgets, the law on SEN & Disability. The Islington service was previously delivered by Centre 404 but is now delivered by Family Action.

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London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard

Helpline for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, trans people and anyone concerned about their sexuality. Information, support and referral service. Details of entertainment venues, social groups, befriending groups, support groups, special interest groups (political, recreational etc), HIV/AIDS and sexual health services, homophobia.

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Training Link

Basic skills training, including online vocational courses – including Food Safety & Hygiene Level 2, Adult Literacy, ESOL and computer courses. Open sessions Tuesday (2pm to 5pm) and Thursday (2pm to 4pm). Basic employment/CV and benefits advice also available.

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Dementia UK

Dementia UK is the specialist dementia nursing charity that is there for the whole family. Our nurses, known as Admiral Nurses, provide life-changing advice and support for families affected by dementia. As experts in the condition, they help families through the fear and confusion of dementia. From sharing practical tips for caring to offering compassionate emotional support and helping families plan for the future, they are there when people need them most. Admiral Nurses work on the free Dementia Helpline, in virtual and face-to-face clinics, and in the community, including hospitals, GP practices, care homes and hospices. Helpline: To speak to a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse about any aspect of dementia, please call our Helpline on 0800 888 6678 (Monday-Friday 9am-9pm; Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays 9am-5pm; every day except 25th December) or email Virtual clinics: To book a free, 45-minute phone or video call appointment with an Admiral Nurse, please visit Information pages and leaflets: Please visit

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The Manna

Drop-in for homeless and marginalised people offering friendship, advice, and front-line support. Clothes store, showers, washing machine & tumble drier, wi-fi. Various activities, including gardening, art, singing, poetry group, walking and trips/outings.

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Action for Stammering Children

Action for Stammering Children is the UK charity for children and young people who stammer, their families, and the communities who support them. We provide advice and information, champion research, and campaign for policy and societal change. For information, support and signposting, we encourage families, young people and professionals to access our Stammering Support Hub or contact our dedicated Support Hub Advisor.

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JCWI - Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants

Campaigns for justice in immigration, nationality and refugee law and policy. Legal representation and advice on immigration matters including through our Irregular Migrant Helpline (0207 553 7470) Mon, Tues and Thurs 10am-1pm. Acts as an expert training resource for other agencies who work in the field.

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Creative and Supportive Trust (CAST)

Training and education for women ex-offenders, women coming out of drug/alcohol rehab centres or mental health units. Also for women at risk of offending due to substance misuse or mental health issues. Basic skills in literacy, numeracy and computing. Classes in women's studies, art, design, photography.

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